"Skid row street-corner minister calls for homeless state of emergency declaration" ~LA TIMES
State of Emergency Declared in Skid Row
They came on foot, bicycle and wheelchair, drawn to the trio of singers improvising a classic call-and-response gospel chant as dusk fell in the evening quiet of a skid row street corner.
For 15 years, the Rev. Stephen Cue Jn-Marie, armed with a Bible, microphone, amplifier and folding chairs, has presided over this Friday night open-air service for homeless people, downtown welfare hotel residents and supporters from as far away as Orange County who join his “Church Without Walls,” The Row.
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Fight for $15
The Row Church has been on the front-lines fighting for a minimum wage of $15 per hour in Los Angeles for the last year and a half and was instrumental in helping to ensure its passage into law. We continued the Fight for 15 at both the state and federal levels. The fight for $15 is more than just a fight for wages.
Civic Engagement- Prop 47